Selective Call Block

Control your privacy

Selective Call Block

It's never been easier to block unwanted calls with just the swipe of your finger!

Block calls from your Online Account or the Vonage® Extensions® app

Now you can easily block calls from both your online account and the Vonage Extensions app. No matter where you set up your blocked call list, incoming calls from those numbers will not ring on any phone linked to your Vonage number, whether it's your home phone or through the app on your smartphones. Using the Vonage Extensions app, you can block unwanted calls while on the go quickly by swiping the number and selecting “Block”.

Also, incoming calls from blocked numbers will not ring when Call Forwarding or SimulRing are turned on.

So download the Vonage Extensions app or go to your online account to start blocking unwanted calls today.


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Block calls in your Online Account or with the Vonage Extensions App.

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