Vonage® Extensions® App

Home Phone. Anywhere.

Vonage® Extensions® App

You can take Vonage home phone service with you—make and receive calls on your smartphones, plus get free Wi-Fi calling, too (standard data rates apply).

Take your home phone anywhere you use your smartphone

Take advantage of Vonage's great calling plans by making calls with the app on your smartphones. Plus, you can answer calls made to your Vonage phone number from almost anywhere using Wi-Fi or 3G/4G (standard data rates apply).


  • You can answer an incoming call to your Vonage number as if you were at home. All calls to your Vonage number, will ring your home phone and the app.
  • Take advantage of your Vonage calling plan when you are on the go.
  • You will know an incoming call is to your Vonage number or to your mobile number.
  • Calls you make from the app will use your home Vonage number as your caller ID.
  • The app will use your phone’s contact book to provide a caller ID, so you know who is calling.
  • Make calls on 3G/4G or use Wi-Fi when you are in poor cell coverage areas (standard data rates apply).


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